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5 types of posts to hype your business launch

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5 types of posts to hype your business launch on social media

It can be tricky to know what to post about when you’re deep in creation-mode and laser-focused on getting your business up and running.

But if you’re planning to launch or relaunch your business, you need to start building your audience as soon as possible. You’ve got to make posting a priority so that you don’t launch to crickets when the time comes to open your doors.

I often get asked, “What can I post about when I really don’t have anything to promote yet?” Not to worry, I’ve got 5 post type ideas to share with you.

1. “About You” post

Everyone loves a good story, so your followers will want to know why you do what you do. The more you can connect your story to their problem, the better. The key is to let them know that you understand the problems they’re facing and let them know that you can help solve those problems.

You may need to do a little soul searching here, but you WILL find a connection point, so dig deep.

2. “Mystery and Suspense” post

Give hints at what’s to come in order to build buzz and excitement. You can tease your specific services and offerings and the benefits of working with you.

3. “Behind-the-Scenes” post

Give a behind-the-scenes view of what you’re creating. People love to see what’s happening in the background, so let them in by giving them sneak peeks of your launch progress.

Some examples would be creating your brand, color palette, your product’s packaging, your office set up, glimpses of your new website, etc.

4. “Invitation-Only” post

Invite your followers to “be the first to know” and “get access to your launch bonus/offer” by joining your email list.

If you missed my post on how to grow your audience with an email list before you launch your business, you can read it here.

5. “Quick Tips” post

Showcase how you help by sharing tips and tricks to give your dream clients a quick win. A great idea is to answer commonly asked questions in these posts.

If you haven’t been asked any questions yet, then have a look at what’s being asked in Facebook groups where your dream clients are hanging out, check out the comments on YouTube videos that cover similar topics to yours, and set up calls with your dream clients to find out what they’d like to know.

By posting about your soon-to-be business while you create it your audience will be paying attention to what you’re doing now so that they’re primed to buy when the time comes.

Having a pre-launch strategy is just one of the components that I teach inside of The Simple Business Launch Method. So if your goal is to launch or relaunch your business simply but strategically, then you’ve got to sign up for my upcoming workshop. Grab your spot.

Alli McAuley

Hi, I'm Alli McAuley.

I help passionate entrepreneurs, like you, create a strategic brand and website that stands out to your dream clients so you can run a successful business online.

My ultimate goal is to empower you with the tools you need to live your best life by doing the work your love.