6 reasons why having a plan is critical to successfully making money online


Hi, I'm Alli.

I help passionate entrepreneurs, like you, create a strategic brand and website that stands out to your dream clients so you can run a successful business online.

My ultimate goal is to empower you with the tools you need to live your best life by doing the work your love.

You might love to plan or you might hate to plan, but it’s a fact that when you know what steps to take, in what order, and when, you’re much more likely to reach your goal faster and much more easily.

And when it comes time to build your business online you want to get up and running quickly so that you can start bringing in clients and paying yourself.

I’ve seen so many entrepreneurs stuck and struggling to move forward because they simply don’t have guidance on what they should be doing.

For example, have you ever gotten the kids on the bus, cleaned up breakfast, and you finally sit down to work and then you go blank?

You don’t know where to start and you’re so overwhelmed that you end up wasting the small amount of time you actually had to get anything done.

1. Avoid overwhelm

This leads me to the first reason why having a plan is crucial to successfully making money online, and that’s because it will help you avoid overwhelm.

When you have everything under the sun to do and it’s all staring you in the face, it stops you dead in your tracks.

But when you’re able to prioritize your list, break larger tasks into smaller ones, and dedicate time in your schedule to get each one done, your HUGE list suddenly becomes much more manageable.

The overwhelming feeling is reduced because you’ve created space for each task and can focus on one thing at a time.

2. Increase motivation

Not only that but you’ll become more committed, determined, and motivated to keep going.

There is some serious satisfaction that comes with checking off tasks.

Don’t think I don’t know that you’re adding to your to-do list just so you can cross off an item. We all do that…don’t we?!

And when you see yourself making progress toward your goals you’ll be much more likely to want to keep progressing.

3. Waste less time

You’ll also save yourself a ton of time.

When you have a plan of what to do each day as you work toward your goals, you’ll stop sitting down and staring at a blank screen wondering where to start.

Instead, you’ll know what task you’re working on that day and spend your time being productive getting it done.

4. Reduce decision fatigue

The fourth reason it’s crucial to have a plan is that you can eliminate wearing yourself out by the time your kids get back from school at the end of the day by making fewer decisions.

Because the more decisions you have to make, the more fatigue you develop.

When you have a plan and know what you’re going to do, you’ll be reducing the decisions you have to make each day. This will help you reserve your energy for all the other things you have to do in life.

5. Encourage creativity

Planning out your tasks even helps to encourage creativity. When you think about it, it makes sense…

When you don’t have to use your brain space constantly trying to figure out what to do and when to do it, you’ll free up the mental space to brainstorm and think freely.

This is an enormous part of being able to run a successful business online because it does take creative thinking and thinking outside of the box, especially when you’re looking to stand out amongst your competitors.

6. Have more peace of mind

And finally, you’ll have more peace of mind.

There’s something to be said about knowing your right next step and feeling confident that what you’re doing is actually helping you progress to your ultimate goal.

When you’re clear that the tasks you’re working on are what you need to be working on, you can more easily relax knowing that you’re heading in the right direction.

This is exactly why I created my 30 Days to Launch Playbook.

Inside the Playbook I share my exact step-by-step system to simply and strategically get your business online in just one month so you can start making money quickly.

You’ll get a solid action plan to get your business set up, write your copy, and create your brand and website using 30 daily tasks.

Knowing what steps you need to take in what order and having a checkable calendar of daily prompts to get you to the finish line is going to put an end to the overwhelm so you can get your business launched fast!

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