The top 5 reasons your business needs a blog


Hi, I'm Alli.

I help passionate entrepreneurs, like you, create a strategic brand and website that stands out to your dream clients so you can run a successful business online.

My ultimate goal is to empower you with the tools you need to live your best life by doing the work your love.

Your business needs a blog

One of the most often asked questions I hear from clients is, “How can I get more visitors to my website?” My answer is always the same. Your business needs a blog.

It seems strange then that this post is only my second one, right? I guess you can say I’m like the proverbial child of the shoemaker who goes without shoes. Well, no longer!

After taking a few days to plan and set business goals for next year, I came to the conclusion that it is time. Time for me to take the time. So, one of the large goals I’ve set for my business is to finally start a blog and post to it regularly.

In this post, I’m going to share with you the top 5 reasons why I’m starting a business blog and you should too.

1. Drive more traffic to your website

Keeping a website active with new content is a struggle for every business. You want your audience to revisit your site and to think of you when they are ready to buy, right?

Well, each published post provides new content for your viewers. Not only that, it adds another page to your site that search engines can index. This means another opportunity for your business to show up in the search engine results. On top of that, search engines give priority to sites with activity. They scan them more often for new content to provide in their results. It’s a win-win!

2. Grow your audience

Each of your published posts is an opportunity for you to capture a lead. “How?” you ask. It’s simple. Add a relevant “lead magnet” (an offer or a content upgrade) and email opt-in form to every single post that you publish. In fact, you’ll see this tactic in action at the bottom of this post.

The process looks like this:

Funnel graphic

3. Create Shareable Content

People love to share great content. When your audience shares your most recent awesome blog post on their networks, traffic goes to your site. This is why it is so important to keep your content on your website (as opposed to offsite platforms, like Blogger or YouTube, for example).

The goal is to drive traffic from social channels to your blog and then onto your site. Once there, the viewer travels through your site and learns about your offerings, products and services and becomes a potential customer.

4. Gain credibility

If you are doing it right, your blog will answer questions your target audience has. By helping them solve their problems you will gain their trust and establish authority on a topic. This will help when it comes to selling your product or service. (And who doesn’t want authority?!)

5. Work while you sleep

When you first publish a post and share it across your social media channels you see a large boost in traffic and leads. Hurray! The next day the number of views decreases and as time rolls along the views continue to slow down.

That is ok!

While you may not see huge results immediately, over time the results compound. This means without any extra effort or work on your part, you’ll still be increasing traffic and gaining leads for your business. Even while you sleep!

I am a true believer that a business blog is an essential part of any company hoping to gain traction online. If you aren’t blogging yet and want to run a profitable online business, you need to start today. Take action and get going! What is holding you back?

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