4 reasons to create your web content first
Hi, I'm Alli.
I help passionate entrepreneurs, like you, create a strategic brand and website that stands out to your dream clients so you can run a successful business online.
My ultimate goal is to empower you with the tools you need to live your best life by doing the work your love.
In order to create a successful website, you need to have the right content to meet your goals. But I often see new entrepreneurs wing it and dive right into creating their website before they’ve organized what goes on the page and it just doesn’t work.
If you want to connect with your dream clients, you’ve got to strategically create the content that goes on your website before you start building it.
As a designer, I didn’t always feel this way. I wanted to prioritize the design and make the words just fit into my beautiful layout. But as an entrepreneur, I fully understand the importance of putting content first.
So what do I mean when I say “content?” Well, I’m talking about the text, photos, testimonials, lists, pricing table, charts… everything that will go on the page.
Let’s go over why you need to know and gather all of these elements first.
1. Save yourself time and frustration
If you go into building your website without having a plan, you’ll end up staring at a blank screen wondering what to put on the page AND trying to figure out what it should look like at the same time. Talk about adding unnecessary stress to your life.
Inside of my program Simple Start, I teach how to create your strategy first, then write your copy and plan out all of your graphics before sitting down to build your website.
It is so much easier when you have all of the elements ready to go to simply drop into the page as you’re building it. And because you took the time to think everything through beforehand your website will be much more effective in getting your message across.
This leads me to reason #2…
2. Prioritize your message
By starting with your content first, you’ll ensure that you’ve thought through what you want to say and how to say it.
When you focus on your copy without deciding how the page looks at the same time you’re able to streamline your writing and edit out anything unnecessary or confusing.
And the less confusing the better — if it isn’t clear how what you do will help your audience, they won’t pay attention to what you’ve got to say.
3. Improve your rankings in search engine results
Successful search engine optimization starts with your copy.
In order for it to work, your copy needs to be written in a way that is appealing to both search engines and humans. So it’s best if you plan what keywords you want to go after and then strategically use them in the copy you write.
And it’s much easier to include keywords in a natural way — which is the goal — when you have them in mind from the start, instead of trying to squeeze them in after the fact.
4. Get your dream clients to take action
One of the most important things your website needs to do is get your audience to take action, right?
Well, when you plan first, you can set your content up to lead your viewer toward the ultimate goal of working with you.
So before you start, ask yourself:
- What’s my most desired outcome?
- What end goal am I trying to achieve?
And then ask yourself:
- What specific action do I want my viewers to take to start them on the path toward that end goal?
Knowing what action you want someone to take will make knowing what content to keep or get rid of so much easier — if it doesn’t support your end goal, don’t include it.
So you see, when you create content first, your website will be so much easier for you to create and will ultimately be more effective and compelling to your dream clients.
If you’re looking to make an authentic connection with your dream clients, which I know you are, then, you’ve got to sign up for my upcoming free workshop — The Simple Business Launch Method.
You’ll nail down the foundational elements you need to finally launch (or relaunch) your business simply and strategically. Head over to dowellwebsites.com/workshop to sign up.
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