How to find your dream client’s pain point


Hi, I'm Alli.

I help passionate entrepreneurs, like you, create a strategic brand and website that stands out to your dream clients so you can run a successful business online.

My ultimate goal is to empower you with the tools you need to live your best life by doing the work your love.

The key to creating a website that your dream clients will actually read and one that will make a real connection with them is by truly understanding them. And to understand them you have to pinpoint not only their problem, but more importantly why they have their problem in the first place.

The key to creating a website that your dream clients will actually read and one that will make a real connection with them is by truly understanding them.

And to understand them you have to pinpoint not only their problem but more importantly why they have their problem in the first place.

So, there’s no time to lose. Let’s get to figuring it out!

Don’t be slimy. Make a connection!

Can you imagine how much more you’ll stand out to your dream clients if they feel like you are the one person that just gets them and really understands their problem?

And wouldn’t it be really great if you didn’t have to feel all slimy when you’re selling your services?

I know you just said yes in your head because nobody wants to be that way and nobody wants to buy from a pushy salesperson either, right?

Well, in order to create a connection with your audience, you need to speak their language. And in order to speak their language, you have to know what motivates them.

To figure this out, there are two types of problems we must uncover.

Pain point part 1: External Problem

First is their external problem.

This one is fairly simple to figure out. It’s what your dream client wants. It’s what they actually type into google’s search bar.

So, let’s say you are a weight loss coach. Your client’s external problem is that they want to lose weight.

If you are a doula, your client’s external problem is that they want support during childbirth.

But do you know what wakes them up in a cold sweat at 3am in a panic? Most likely wanting to lose weight and wanting support during childbirth isn’t the deep seeding problem keeping them up at night with worry.

It comes down to something even deeper.

Pain point part 2: Internal Problem

So next, you need to pinpoint their internal problem or the real reason why they want to resolve their external problem. There’s always a deeper, emotional motivation that lies beneath the surface and THIS is what will drive them to purchase your solution.

Let’s dig deeper with our examples from before.

Why does the weight loss coach’s dream client want to lose weight? Maybe she fears potential health problems or she wishes she fit in better with other moms or maybe the biggest reason of all is that she’s not able to be the mom she wants to be because she can’t keep up with her kids.

And the doula…well maybe this is her potential client’s second delivery and the first time around the staff was too busy to answer her questions so she panicked through the entire birth or maybe her husband left the room to make a phone call when she took a sudden turn and went into active labor and found herself alone.

You see, why someone wants to solve their problem comes down to basic survival instincts — our human desire to be safe, happy, and healthy. So you’ll want to keep narrowing down until you arrive at the very core of what is motivating them to want to make a change.

Survey your Audience

If you haven’t had the chance to work with many of your dream clients yet, you may find it hard to pinpoint their internal problem.

A great place to start is to simply ask. Having a one on one conversation allows you to hear the exact phrases your dream client uses which can help immensely when it comes to copywriting for your business.

Another option is to poll your audience in a Facebook group or in an Instagram Story.

Whatever method you decide, be sure to phrase your questions so that you don’t just get yes or no answers.

Here are a few great questions to ask:

  • What’s the reason you want to [external problem]?
  • What would your life be like if you achieved [desired outcome]?
  • What frustrates you most about [external problem]?
  • How do you feel like your time and money are being wasted when it comes to [external problem]?
  • What do you wish you had when it comes to [external problem]?

By understanding your dream client’s internal and external reason’s WHY they want to solve their problem, you’ll know how to connect their pain point to your offering and use it throughout all of your messaging. And voila! NO PUSHY SALES NEEDED!

Another great way to avoid having to make a hard sales pitch is by using testimonials on your website. Click here to learn how to use testimonials to help sell your services.

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