What to put on your website home page


Hi, I'm Alli.

I help passionate entrepreneurs, like you, create a strategic brand and website that stands out to your dream clients so you can run a successful business online.

My ultimate goal is to empower you with the tools you need to live your best life by doing the work your love.

If you put everything on your homepage, you'll overwhelm your audience. Let's have a look at the specific goals you need to achieve and start there.

There are so many things you could put on your homepage, but if you put it all on there you’d run the risk of overwhelming your audience. Instead, let’s have a look at the specific goals you need to achieve when someone lands on your site and start there.

You need to make a quick connection when your dream client lands on your website if you’re going to keep them scrolling down the page, so let dive into how to do just that.

The goals of your site are to let them know:

  • What’s in it for them?
  • How can they work with you?
  • Why should they trust you?
  • What should they do next?

Everything you put on your homepage needs to tie into one of these goals. If it doesn’t, don’t include it.

What’s in it for them?

You have to let people know it a quick and clear way, who you are, what you do, and how you can help them or they’ll click away almost immediately. You may have heard this called your positioning statement or your UVP (unique value proposition), but I call it your BIG message.

It’s the one-liner that instantly captures your dream client’s attention — it’s how you can let them know in a super concise way that you understand their pain point and you can help them solve their problem.

This is what gets them thinking, “Yeah, me too! That’s exactly how I feel.” Then follow it up by painting a picture of their problem and how life will look if they continue on their current path.

How can they work with you?

Now that your dream client knows what life will look like if they don’t hire you, it’s time to let them know what the next step is toward solving their problem.

This may be what services you offer or different ways they can connect with you online. You want to give a bird’s eye view of your business on the homepage, not the nitty-gritty details, so keep it short and snappy.

Why should they trust you?

When it comes to selling your products or services online, you need your potential clients to truly trust you before they will buy from you. By including things like how long you’ve been in business, the logos of the big companies you’ve worked with, or where you’ve been published, you’ll build your credibility.

So think testimonials, your Instagram feed, a little more about you, recent blog posts, etc. As long as these things help to build trust, there is space for them on your homepage.

What should they do next?

You may think what your reader should do next is obvious, but if you don’t tell them directly, they won’t take action. This is where your call-to-action comes into play. Your call-to-action is the prompt that tells your audience what to do next.

In most cases, you’ll want to guide your dream client toward a low-commitment offer, like to get your lead magnet or schedule a strategy call since they probably aren’t ready to hit the “buy now” button just yet.

So ask yourself what specific action you want your viewers to take to start them on the path toward your desired end goal and then tell them.

When it comes down to it, there isn’t a list of specific sections that have to be included on your homepage. Instead, you need to focus on your strategy. So be sure to ask yourself, what are your goals are and how can your website help you achieve them.

Now, if you’re wondering how do I know and what steps do I take? Then you need to go get my free 30 Days to Launch Playbook. Inside you’ll learn the daily tasks you need to take in order to get your business launched online in 30 days.

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